Commentary & Literary Journalism

This page of the Martin Amis Web presents the author in his own words, commenting on contemporary politics, literature, and culture.


Martin Amis at Lecturn

Amis's comments usually provoke lively debate, and interested readers would benefit from searching the databases Lexis-Nexis and EBSCO Host for the letters and responses these articles inspired.


Scholars of Amis's work will want to use this page in concert with the Events and Interviews page. In general, events that are open to the public will be archived under Events. Television or radio appearances will appear on either this or the Interviews page, whichever is most appropriate.


Jump to: 2011-present | 2000-2010 | 1980s & 1990s



Select Comments and Articles: 2011 to present

Because Amis's essays and public appearances routinely inspire additional discussion -- and follow-up interviews -- users of the Martin Amis Web should also consult the Interviews and Events pages. As a general rule, when Amis is interviewed one-on-one, then that will appear on the Interview page. When appearing as part of a group, that entry will appear here. Obviously, Amis's essays and book reviews will appear here.


Martin Amis Goes on the GOP Campaign Trail

Amis on the various contenders and personalities vying for the 2012 GOP nomination. Newsweek, 19 December 2011. LINK | PDF


Laureate of Terror: Don DeLillo's Prophetic Soul

Amis on DeLillo's collection The Angel Esmeralda: Nine Stories. The New Yorker, 21 November 2011. LINK | PDF


My father's English language

Review of Kingsley Amis's book The King's English. Guardian, 27 May 2011. LINK | PDF


Select Comments and Articles: 2000 to 2010

Philip Larkin's Women

Amis on the embattled love life of poet and novelist Philip Larkin. Guardian, 22 October 2010. LINK | PDF


Martin Amis: for my Money, they got it right

Amis on the BBC2 adaptation of his 1984 novel Money. Guardian, 25 May 2010. See the Filmography page of the Martin Amis Web for more in-depth coverage of the production. LINK | PDF | Filmography page


Martin Amis muses on the fourth estate

'I'm not turning into Kingsley. I'm already Kingsley.' Guardian, 13 February 2010.

Amis on literary longevity; also the piece that inspired the controversy with Anna Ford below. LINK | PDF


The Anna Ford Controversy (prompted by Amis's essay above)

Letters: Stringing along the Amis saga, Guardian, 26 February 2010. LINK | PDF

Anna Ford v. Martin Amis: the final episode, Guardian, 25 February 2010. LINK | PDF

Ford, Amis, and a dance to the music of time, Guardian, 25 February 2010. LINK | PDF

Letters: It's open season on Martin Amis, Guardian, 24 February 2010. LINK | PDF

Christopher Hitchens joins the fray, Guardian, 24 February 2010. LINK | PDF

You can judge a man by his enemies, Independent, 24 February 2010. LINK | PDF

On Ford's "womanizing father," Daily Mail, 22 February 2010. LINK | PDF

Letters: Martin Amis: A response, Guardian, 22 February 2010. LINK | PDF

Martin Amis responds ..., Guardian, 22 February 2010. LINK | PDF

Time for another Martin Amis arrow, Independent, 21 February 2010. LINK | PDF

Letters: the root of Martin Amis's anger, Guardian, 20 February 2010. LINK | PDF

Ford to Amis: stop your immature whingeing, Guardian, 20 February 2010. LINK | PDF


The 'silver tsunami' Euthanasia Controversy

"Martin Amis: ageing provocateur," Guardian, 25 January 2010. LINK | PDF

Whitbread winner condemns Amis, Guardian, 25 January 2010. LINK | PDF

Amis in new row over euthanasia booths, Guardian, 24 January 2010. LINK | PDF

Amis calls for euthanasia booths, Guardian, 24 January 2010. LINK | PDF

Amis calls for euthanasia booths, Sunday Times, 24 January 2010. LINK | PDF


The Problem with Nabokov

Amis on Vladimir Nabokov's legacy. Guardian, 14 November 2009. LINK | PDF


The End of Iran's Ayatollahs?

Amis on the murder of Neda Soltan, Guardian, 17 July 2009. LINK | PDF

See also reactions to this article by Abbas Barzegar (LINK), select readers (LINK), and

Arshin Adib-Moghaddam (LINK)


The Master's Voice

Amis reviews John Updike's My Father's Tears & Other Stories, Guardian, 4 July 2009. LINK | PDF


Tennis, My Beautiful Game

Amis on his love for tennis, Guardian, 27 June 2009. LINK | PDF


Amis on the Rioting in Iran

Two appearances on BBC One's This Week programme, 19 June 2009.

"Top Author on Iran" LINK1 | FLV1 and "Debate on Iran Film" LINK2 | FLV2


Not Poetry at its Best

Amis and Sarah Churchwell discuss the Oxford poetry scandal, 27 May 2009. LINK | FLV


From Outer Space to Inner Space

Amis on the death and legacy of J. G. Ballard, Guardian, 25 April 2009. LINK | PDF


Amis Memorializes J.G. Ballard's

Interviewed (go to 4:15) on Channel 4 News, 20 April 2009. LINK | LINK | FLV (20MB)


'He Took the Novel onto Another Plane of Intimacy'

Amis on the death and legacy of John Updike, Guardian, 28 January 2009. LINK | PDF


'Hysteria' swept through system

Amis on the global financial crisis, BBC Today, 22 December 2008. LINK | FLV


Terrorism's New Structure

Amis's essay in the Wall Street Journal, 16 August 2008. LINK | PDF


On BBC One's This Week Program

Discussing contemporary politics with Andrew Neil, Diane Abbott, and Michael Portillo. March 6, 2008. LINK | WMV (16MB)


No, I am not a racist

Amis responds to Ronan Bennett's accusations. The Guardian, 1 December 2007. See also Bennett's original article (19 Nov) and responses from Christopher Hitchens and Ian McEwan. AMIS | PDF | BENNETT | HITCHENS | MCEWAN


9/11 and the Cult of Death

Reflecting on 9/11, 7/7, and radical Islam's "abnormal interest ... in violent death"

The Times, 11 September 2007. Replies by Michael White and Alex Stein.



Amis, Amis, and Bond

Discussing the James Bond novels and Kingsley Amis's contributions. BBC Radio 4,

17 July 2007. LINK1 | LINK2 | RAM


The Long Kiss Goodbye

On Tony Blair's final days as prime minister. The Guardian, 2 June 2007. LINK | PDF

See also the Guardian's excellent multimedia coverage of this story, which includes voice-over commentary by Amis (Macromedia 8 required) LINK


The Terrorist Stays in the Picture

On Osama bin Laden. Time magazine, 14 May 2007. WORD


Martin Amis reviews The Islamist

The Times, 5 May 2007. Review of Ed Hussain, The Islamist: Why I Joined Radical Islam in Britain, What I Saw Inside and Why I Left LINK | PDF


On BBC's Question Time from London Program

Discussing contemporary politics, 7 December 2006. LINK | WMV | POD


On BBC1's This Week Program

Speaking about terrorism and Iraq, 26 October 2006. LINK | FLV


Deranging Consequences of 9/11

The Times, 21 October 2006. Review of Bob Woodward, State of Denial. LINK | PDF


Amis on Las Vegas, Islam, and Poker

The Australian Magazine, 21 October 2006. WORD


The Age of Horrorism

Amis's controversial, 12,000 word essay on Islam and Islamism, marking the five year anniversary of the 9/11 bombings. The Observer, 10 September 2006. See the rejoinder by Indian writer Pankaj Mishra (Observer, 17 September) and, far less seriously of course, "The Last Days of Martin Amis, by Muhammad Atta" in the satirical magazine Private Eye (issue 1167). AMIS | PDF1 | PDF2 | PDF3 | MISHRA | PDF | LINK2 | PDF


The Real Conspiracy Behind 9/11

The Times, 2 September 2006. Review of Lawrence Wright, The Looming Tower: Al Qaeda and the Road to 9/11. LINK | PDF


All That Survives Is Love

The Times, 1 June 2006. Amis reviews the film United 93. LINK | WORD


Authors on the Front Line: Martin Amis

Amis on street violence in Columbia, Sunday Times Magazine, 6 February 2005 WORD


In Search of Dieguito

On soccer star Diego Armando Maradona. Guardian, 1 October 2004 LINK | PDF


Amis Introduces Yellow Dog for Meet the Author LINK | FLV


The Slow Birthing of Yellow Dog

Miscellaneous comments from Amis about the composition of Yellow Dog. WORD | PDF


The World: an explanation

Daily Telegraph, 8 March 2003. "Martin Amis" interprets the post-9/11 world. A parody; posted here only because database searches return this listing, mistakenly, as legitimate. WORD


The Palace of the End

The Guardian, 4 March 2003. The Guardian has removed this link, but Jackson Browne (the singer) posted it on his website, although the text cannot be copied. Other links do not have this problem. LINK1 | LINK2 | WORD | PDF | LINK3 | PDF


Window on a Changed World

Amis's one-year retrospective on the 9/11 terrorist bombings in the U.S. Daily Telegraph, 11 September 2002. EXCERPT | PDF | FULL


The Voice of the Lonely Crowd

"After September 11, writing fiction seemed a pointlessly indulgent exercise. But, Martin Amis argues, against the deadly excesses of politics and religion, the novel is a supremely rational undertaking" The Guardian, 1 June 2002. LINK | PDF


See also John Pilger's attack on this piece in the New Statesman, 17 June 2002. LINK


Age Will Win

Amis reviews Richard Eyre's film about Iris Murdoch, John Bayley, Alzheimer's disease, and "the tragedy of time" Guardian Unlimited, 21 December 2001. LINK | PDF


Fear and Loathing

Amis on the September 11 terrorist bombings in the U.S. "Their aim was to torture tens of thousands, and to terrify hundreds of millions. In this, they have succeeded." The Guardian, 18 September 2001. LINK | PDF


A Rough Trade

Amis on the San Fernando Valley porn industry for the 17 March 2001 Guardian (this essay originally appeared as "Sex in America" in Talk magazine, February 2001: 98-103, 133-35. LINK | PDF1 | PDF2


Letter to Britney Spears

On the occasion of her memoir. From "The Britney Papers," a series of letters from Norman Mailer, J.D. Salinger, George Plimpton, Camille Paglia and Martin Amis. From the Modern Humorist, 20 June 2000. LINK | PDF



Select Comments & Articles: 1980s and 1990s

The Shock of the Nou

Amis reports on Manchester United's European Cup victory. The Observer, 30 May 1999. LINK | PDF


High for a Time

Amis reviews Tom Wolfe's A Man In Full for The Guardian, 7 November 1998. LINK | PDF


The Mirror of Ourselves

Amis on Princess Diana in Time Magazine, September 15, 1997. "She takes her place among the broken glass and crushed metal, in the iconography of the crash, alongside James Dean, Jayne Mansfield and Princess Grace". EXCERPT | PDF | FULL


Amis on J.G. Ballard

Amis's review-essay on Ballard's novel Crash and David Cronenberg's film adaptation Independent on Sunday, 10 November 1996: 8-9. WORD | PDF


Amis on Hillary Clinton.

Amis reviews It Takes a Village, by Hillary Clinton. The Sunday Times, 17 March 1996. WORD | PDF


Demons Under the Rainbow

Amis reviews a new biography on Malcolm Lowry, The Independent, 12 December 1993.



Amis on Don DeLillo.

From Amis's review of Mao II, by Don DeLillo, 1991. WORD | PDF


The World According to Spielberg

From "The Observer Century in Films," The Guardian & Observer online, 21 November 1982. LINK | PDF