

For more information on specific film adaptations, click here; follow the links below or the navigation buttons at right for more information on Amis & film:

bullet David Cronenberg to film London Fields (Toronto Sun, March 23, 2004 .
bullet From the Telegraph, 5 May 2002:
bullet "MARTIN AMIS is to launch himself on Hollywood by adapting a Jane Austen novel into a romantic comedy film for teenagers.
    Amis, the author of dark satires such as London Fields and Money, is writing the screenplay for Northanger Abbey, the only Austen novel not to have been made into a feature film." (Click here for full story).
bullet "Northanger Abbey adaptation nixed?
bullet According to Nigel Reynolds, writing in the 16 August 2003 Telegraph, "Amis began to adapt Jane Austen's NORTHANGER ABBEY into a romantic teen comedy for Miramax a couple of years ago but the project seems to have fizzled out."

bullet "Dental Dementia." All the latest news, reviews, and interviews concerning Dead Babies, the movie.

bullet Philip French, writing in The Guardian, considering memorable moments in cinema history, remembers Martin Amis's big movie moment (22 August 1999).

bullet More on Amis & A High Wind in Jamaica.

bullet News of a now-aborted (as of 1 July 1999) film adaptation of London Fields. For ongoing discussion of this and related film adaptation projects, click here.

bullet News of a film adaptation of Dead Babies--and Amis's optioning of his other novels (excerpts from a 5/23/99 London Times article).

bullet Director Nicolas Roeg signs to film Night Train (The Times (London) 17 June 1999).

bullet Amis at the Internet Movie Database (Information on Amis's screenplay for Saturn 3, the film version of The Rachel Papers, and Amis's role in A High Wind in Jamaica). To have a look at Hector the Robot from Saturn 3, click here.

bullet To order a videotape of Saturn 3 (screenplay by Martin Amis)  click here.
bullet To order videotapes of recent films Amis has reviewed, click on the titles below:
bullet Crash, the David Cronenberg adaptation of the J.G. Ballard novel.
bullet Goodfellas, by Martin Scorcese.
bullet The Lost World, by Steven Spielberg.
bullet Pulp Fiction, by Quentin Tarrantino.

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bullet Amis's comment on Tim Burton's film Mars Attacks, whose script he worked on (from Amis' remarks during his appearance at Barbara's Bookstore, February 3, 1998):
bullet "I rather liked it, though it contained not a word I wrote."
bullet Amis on proposed film adaptations of his novels (from Amis's remarks during his appearance at Barbara's Bookstore, February 3, 1998):
bullet He noted that five of his novels are currently optioned for films, and that several years ago Gary Oldman was poised to make a film of Money in which he would play John Self. Amis told of visiting Oldman on a film set, where Oldman enthusiastically mimicked John Self's persona. "I have a great new cough," Oldman boasted. (To read Oldman's account of this encounter, click here).
bullet More film adaptations in the works:
bullet According to an article in the 23 August 1998 London Times, four of Amis's novels are "set to be filmed over the next 12 months." These include London Fields (see above), as well as Dead Babies, Money, and The Information. The author of the article, Arts Correspondent John Harlow, reports that Amis has "refused offers to write the scripts" but has put his "moral support" behind the projects. Details about the individual projects:
bullet Dead Babies will be produced by Richard Holmes, producer of last year's comedy Shooting Fish. Bill Marsh is set to direct. "An application for lottery aid towards the £2.5 million film will be considered by the Arts Council next week," Harlow reported. "If the Arts Council shakes off its reputation for funding only period dramas and backs the contemporary script, filming would start in November and Dead Babies would be shown at the Cannes film festival in May."
bullet The Information is being produced by Paradigm Pictures, a Los Angeles production company.
bullet According to Harlow, "Amis has approved the choice of Gary Oldman for a film version of Money." However, when Amis appeared in Chicago in February 1997, he said this film project never got off the ground.
bullet According to London Fields film producer Craig Cadwallader and Livia Hanich, Minnie Driver has been signed to play Nicola Six (click here or the image below to go to the London Fields web site).

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"Age Will Win." Amis reviews Richard Eyre's highly-praised film about Iris Murdoch, John Bayley, Alzheimer's disease, and "the tragedy of time" (Guardian Unlimited, 21 December 2001).


"A Rough Trade." Amis reports on his visit to the San Fernando Valley porn industry for the 17 March 2001 Guardian (this essay originally appeared as “Sex in America” in Talk magazine (February 2001: 98-103, 133-35).


"The world according to Spielberg." From "The Observer Century in Films," the Guardian & Observer online, 21 November 1982.


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Site maintained by James Diedrick, author of Understanding Martin Amis, 2nd edition (2004).
 All contents © 2004.
Last updated 10 December, 2004. Please read the Disclaimer



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