"Keith was the anti-image of myself."
--Martin Amis, in The Scotsman (22 January 2001).
Follow the navigation buttons below and at right for articles, interviews, information concerning Dead Babies, the film, including excerpts from the 23 January 2001 Guardian interview with Amis about the film.
"Amis Film in Trouble." From peoplenews.com (22 February 2001): "The distributors of the film of Martin Amis's novel Dead Babies are having difficulty finding cinemas brave enough to put it on."
"Martin's Bad Night at the Movies." Cosmo Landesman of the Sunday Times lets Amis have it for all his film involvements, using Dead Babies, the movie, as his news peg (28 January 2001).
Cosmo Landesman (what kind of name is that?) of the Sunday Times indulges in more alliteration than James Diedrick as he trashes Dead Babies, the film in a mini-review (28 January 2001).
"The Drugs Don't Work." Adam Mars-Jones reviews Dead Babies, the film for the Times (London)--"Away from the toxic splendour of Amis’s writing, the story seems thin and stagy, like The Mousetrap sprinkled with bad sex and Class-A drugs" (25 January 2001).
"The Living V-Sign." "Martin Amis, the most stylish author in Britain, describes himself as an insult to egalitarianism. But, he tells Lewis Jones, he hopes the film of his novel Dead Babies will be popular" (The Electronic Telegraph, 26 January 2001).
"Amis's Uneasy Book-to-Film Ride." Jasper Rees of the Evening Standard writes about the film adaptation of Dead Babies and other Amis-celluloid liaisons (22 January 2001).
Adam Keen interviews Amis for bigbluespot.com [!?] in conjunction with the release of Dead Babies, the movie (January 2001) (excerpt: When we finally meet Amis, he is sunk deep in an old Victorian club lounger...his hands are shaking...the sense that he is counting backwards towards some softly spoken finality becomes overpowering").
"Dead Babies - the low-down." A Virgin.net interview with Amis (22 January 2001 in conjunction with the release of Dead Babies, the movie.
"Being Martin Amis." Despite the misleading title, this is the first detailed article on the just-completed film adaptation of Dead Babies, courtesy of the "This is London" web site (3 April 2000).
"They made a film of Dead Babies which I've seen. Very faithful to the novel. Wonderfully acted, horribly comic." --Martin Amis quoted in "Father and Son Reunion"--John Walsh's article on the forthcoming Martin-Kingsley Amis books: Experience and The Letters of Kingsley Amis (The Independent, 31 March 2000).
Information about Dead Babies film-- director, cast, crew, shooting schedule-- at the REELTIME web site (Winter 1999).