YD Interviews


 Yellow Dog-related interviews:


bullet "Even the Praise is Bad for You." Martin Amis's new novel Yellow Dog is the most eagerly awaited book of the year, dividing the literary world even before its publication. On the eve of its serialisation in the Guardian, the writer tells Emma Brockes about his style, his critics and why his daughters are so special (Guardian), 29 August, 2003.
bullet "After his crucifixion over YELLOW DOG, Martin Amis needs a drink. Specifically, a negroni." Kate Muir interviews Amis for the London Times, 13 September 2003
bullet "Martin Amis--the Playboy.comversation [sic]."  Sam Jemielity interviews Amis in the wake of Yellow Dog (undated--late 2003?).


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Site maintained by James Diedrick, author of Understanding Martin Amis, 2nd edition (2004).
 All contents © 2004.
Last updated 10 December, 2004. Please read the Disclaimer



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