MA at Huntington

Amis appears at the Huntington Library, Pasadena, April 27-29, 2000

[reporting by Shaun Mason and Phyllis Richardson; click the Navigation bars at right Mason's report (Huntington 1&2) and Richardson's (Huntington 3). This event was organized by Professor Zachary Leader, Amis's tennis partner and editor of The Letters of Kingsley Amis; read the Huntington's description of the events below]. 

Amis at the Huntington
(Pasadena, California)

(from the Huntington Library web site):

Martin Amis

April 27 (Thursday) 7:30 p.m.

Acclaimed British writer Martin Amis will read from his new book, Experience, a memoir of his father, novelist Kingsley Amis. Martin Amis is the author of Night Train and The Information. The program is presented in conjunction with a two-day conference on "The Novel in Britain, 1950-2000" (see below). Free; no reservations required. Information: (626) 405-2100. Friends' Hall

LITERARY CONFERENCE: "The Novel in Britain, 1950-2000"

April 28-29 (Friday-Saturday) 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m.

A panel of novelists and critics will explore the history, current state, and future prospects of the postwar novel in Britain. The participants include Martin Amis, Ian McEwan, Michael Wood, Elaine Showalter, Wendy Lesser, and Christopher Hitchens. Registration for the conference is $20 (graduate students free). Optional lunches and dinner on Friday evening are available at an additional cost. For registration information, call (626) 405-2194 or e-mail (See related event, above.) Friends' Hall


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Site maintained by James Diedrick, author of Understanding Martin Amis, 2nd edition (2004).
 All contents © 2004.
Last updated 10 December, 2004. Please read the Disclaimer



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