This page of the Martin Amis Web features links to writers with important connections to Amis. Some are commonly acknowledged influences (Bellow, Larkin, Nabokov); others are friends and associates (Rushdie, Hitchens); others are contemporary writers whose preoccupations and narrative devices often parallel Amis's own (DeLillo, Roth, Self).
This section commences with links to the three nineteenth-century writers whose voices can often be heard echoing in the margins of Amis's own novels: Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, and Robert Louis Stevenson.
Austen's importance to Amis is especially important to emphasize, since Amis's own criticism so often implies that the house of fiction is an exclusively male domain. Yet his hard-edged comedies of ill-manners are inconveivable without Austen's precedent. Although Dickens's influence is everywhere apparent in Amis's work, Stevenson's importance is less often remarked. Both writers, however, are preoccupied with doubles and doubling. Amis's novels Other People and Time's Arrow also evoke (and extend) the haunting mental landscape of The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
Nineteenth-Century Influences
Click here for The Jane Austen Information Page
Click here for an Index of Charles Dickens Pages
Click here for The Robert Louis Stevenson Website
Twentieth-Century Affinities
Scholars looking for additional material on the authors listed below should consult the Commentary and Interviews pages of the Martin Amis Web.
Saul Bellow at the Nobel Prize Internet Archive. LINK
The Saul Bellow Society LINK
Chris Hall on the career of J.G. Ballard.
J.G. Ballard at the Electronic Labyrinth LINK
Borges: Influences and References LINK | PDF
Amis and Larkin WORD
James Diedrick on the connections between Larkin and Amis, from Understanding Martin Amis (1995)
Jonathan Raban on Larkin in The New Republic WORD
19 July 1993 (excerpt). Raban's essay is worth comparing to Amis's "Don Juan in Hull," The New Yorker, 12 July 1993: 74-82.
In advance of the premiere of a BBC film on Larkin, Sarah Donaldson talks to the film's writer and the actor playing Larkin about Larkin's relationships with women. The Daily Telegraph, 22 July 2003.
Don DeLillo's America LINK
The Christopher Hitchens Web LINK
See also the Commentary (Excerpts section) Page of The Martin Amis Web for links to Amis's feud with Hitchens over Koba the Dread and Stalin.
Christopher Hitchens on Amis LINK | PDF
"Martin, Maggie, and Me," an excerpt from his autobiography Hitch-22, Vanity Fair, June 2010. LINK
"The Background Hum" LINK | PDF
Profile of McEwan with comments from Amis. The New Yorker, 23 Feb 2009.
"Bookered, Innit?" WORD
James Diedrick's review of McEwan's Amsterdam, which compares the careers of Amis and McEwan (January 1999).
Amis speaking on Nabokov and Literary Greatness LINK1 | LINK2 | WORD
At the Nabokov Centenary Celebration in New York, 15 April 1999.
A review of Philip Roth's The Dying Animal that suggests the affinities between Amis and Roth (Guardian, 30 June 2001) LINK | PDF
Salman Rushdie resources at the Postcolonial and Post-Imperial Literature in English website. LINK
Salman Rushdie page at the New York Times LINK
Another Rushdie page (high content) LINK
The Centaurian (on John Updike). LINK interview with John Updike. LINK