Excerpts & E-texts
Excerpts of Amis's work are harder to find on the internet than his many interviews and public appearances. A few do exist, however, and the list below is as complete as I can make it -- and includes some rarities too.
Excerpt from The Pregnant Widow LINK | PDF
Book one, from Random House US website, accompanying the novel's 11 May 2010 US release. Note too the handy page scroller.
Excerpt from The Second Plane LINK | PDF
First chapter, published in the New York Times, April 27, 2008.
Excerpt from House of Meetings LINK | PDF
Accompanies the 15 March 2007 interview with Amis on the KCRW website.
Excerpt from Koba the Dread AMIS | HITCHENS
Amis's letter to "Comrade" Christopher Hitchens. The Guardian, 31 August 2002.
See also Hitchens's response, "Don't. Be. Silly" (The Guardian, 4 September 2002) as well as Anne Applebaum's profile of the controversy, "The Gulag Argumento", for Slate.com: LINK | PDF
Excert from Night Train from The New York Times. LINK | PDF
How I Write
Excerpt from The Times, 10 January 1998. WORD | PDF
"My Missing." Excerpt from Experience at the New York Times Book Review. LINK
Excerpt from "Lolita Reconsidered" LINK | PDF
Originally published in The Atlantic, September 1992, pp. 109-20.
Manuscript Page from London Fields GIF (courtesy the Paris Review)
Excerpt from Invasion of the Space Invaders (1982) PDF
One of Amis's rarest first editions. Amis's favorite game? Defender. "If you ever see a Defender which bears the initials MLA in the All-Time Greatest column of its Hall of Fame—well, that's me, pal. I earned it." For more quotations, read Paul Collins's article "Their Back Pages" in the Village Voice (26 September 2005): LINK | PDF
Electronic (Full) Texts
Short Story published in Granta, Winter 2007.
The Last Days of Muhammad Atta
Originally published in The New Yorker, 24 April 2006: 153-63. Reprinted in The Observer, 3 September 2006 and originally intended to be part of House of Meetings. Appears in The Second Plane. LINK [removed] | PDF1 | PDF2 | LINK2 | PDF
From Heavy Water, originally appeared in The Encounter, 1976.
From Heavy Water, at the New York Times Book Review.
"Career Move" LINK | PDF1 | PDF2
From the Random House web site.
It's Digusting at Your Age PDF
An early play printed in The New Review, September 1976, pp. 19-24.